Hubungan keaktifitas bermain dengan enoresis pada anak saat tidur usia 3-6 tahun di wilayah kerja puskesmas mungo kec. Luak kab. 50 Kota tahun 2014

ALGA, ALGA (2014) Hubungan keaktifitas bermain dengan enoresis pada anak saat tidur usia 3-6 tahun di wilayah kerja puskesmas mungo kec. Luak kab. 50 Kota tahun 2014. Skripsi thesis, STIKes PERINTIS PADANG.

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ALGA (5): 10103084105490 BSTRACT Playing is an activity that is fun for children, and is the most important aspect of a child's life also one of the most effective ways to reduce stress on child.Enuresis is urinate unconsciously during sleep, which is normally in that age and they should be able to control the desire to urinate, normally a child urinate in bed until they hit the age of 3-6 years. This study is to determine the relationship of play activity with sleep enuresis in children aged 3-6 years. So, the design of this study used a cross sectional. Measuring instruments used quesiner and interviews, the sampling technique is using accidental sampling, and the sample are 29 children. By using a computerized analyst with chi square test, it’s obtained an average value (the mean). Based on the results of research, the relationship of activity playing with enuresis can be concluded 65.5% of children play on, the remaining 34.5% of the children. 55.2% of children did not experience enuresis, the remaining 44.8% of children had enuresis. The results obtained that the analysis of the value of p = 0.064 (p> 0.05) which showed there is no significant relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Keywords : Playing activity, Sleep Bibliography : 16 (2000-2012)

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan > S1 Keperawatan
Depositing User: lena lena
Date Deposited: 21 Mar 2019 04:28
Last Modified: 19 Aug 2019 04:25

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